Solidity Scan Reward: $53,000 in Credits 

About SolidityScan:

Credshields is a Web3 Security company working towards building a secure web3 ecosystem with next-gen security tools. Starting back in 2021, Credshields has established a stance in automated security with its flagship product, SolidityScan, an automated auditing & vulnerability scanning platform with capabilities unmatched in the industry & ever-evolving.

Encompassing more than 160 vulnerability detectors and a mere average scan time of 6 seconds, it helps you secure your Solidity Smart contracts. Paralely, as part of creating a secure blockchain ecosystem, Credshields also provides manual audit services for web2 infrastructure & web3 smart contracts, and deploying security layers across various Blockchain explorers, namely, Optimism, Base, Fuse & others.


  • $53,000 in credits distributed across the participants and winning teams across all the tracks 

  • 150$ in credits for each Developer who join 

  • 500$ in credits for each winning team 

Submission Criteria:

BYOD, Bring Your Own Dapp, Devs are free to think and build anything they want and Should present the SolidityScan security score for the code to be written only in Solidity. 

Ideas and Inspirations:

Same BYOD Concept 

Developer Resources:


MINA Protocol Prompt


LINEA Prompt