POLYGON Reward: $5,000


Polygon Labs is excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming DevX Tour APAC Hackathon, and online virtual hackathon where developers can showcase their skills and create innovative solutions to improve the blockchain ecosystem. Polygon Labs is dedicated to developing Ethereum scaling solutions for Polygon protocols and engaging with other ecosystem developers to help make scalable, affordable, secure, and sustainable blockchain infrastructure for Web3 available.

## **Bounties $5,000 Total**

### **Technical ($3,000)**

**Best use of Polygon ID's Verifiable Credentials to preserve user privacy**

Self-Sovereign Identity is the future. Use Polygon ID to represent identity-based information as verifiable credentials in your dapp so your users can prove access rights to dapp features without giving up their private data.


1st: $1,500

2nd: $1,000

3rd: $500


- Deploy MVP to Testnet or Mainnet

- Must use Polygon ID

### **Non-Technical ($2,000)**

**Deploy on Polygon ZK**

You read it right. Deploy any dapp on Polygon’s ZK network.


Pooled Prize: $2,000*

- to be shared with all eligible projects

We reserve the right to withhold prizes if submissions do not meet the expected standards of quality and innovation. We want to see effort and innovation. i.e., a simple button that only sends a transaction that is deployed on Polygon would not be considered for our pooled prize.


DORAFactory Prompt


MINA Protocol Prompt